David & Shawns World


my blog and my pics
David's Profile
Shawn's Profile
Worthy List
Top Ten Movies
A very good song from american history X



            David's Profile              


My name is David and my nick name is Dr.Satan and I'm funny when ya get to know me this site is mine and my friend Shawn's site so if you like icp and your a punk you'll like this site but if you don't like this site I can give a shit less what you think so fuck off and die and if you do like it go to my site www.devilboy666.tk.and yes that is a pic of me isn't it just ugly!!!!LOL Oh yeah and Belleville High School is one of the top gayest schools I know of so that school can go fuck its self right in the ass.

                  well have fun checking out the rest of the website


             ***Later Dayz***




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